May Day – May 1st
May Day occurs on May 1 and refers to any of several public holidays. In many countries, May Day...
Walpurgis Night
Walpurgis Night is a traditional Pagan holiday, Roman Catholic Saint's day, and Satanic [1]...
Alban Hefin – June 21
Around June 21Alban Heruin, or "The Light of the Shore," is also referred to as Litha, Midsummer's...
April 30 / Mayday is celebrated on the first of MayPronounced "bel-ten-ya" or "bel-chen-ya"...
Celtic Year
Whatever names we give to them now many of our modern day festivals owe their existence to...
Coligny Calendar
In 1897, the Gaulish Coligny Calendar was discovered in Coligny, France along with the head...
February 1"Imbolc" is from Old Irish, and may mean "in the belly", and Oimelc, "ewe's milk", as...
August 1 (July 31 August Eve)(loo-na-sa) Lugnasad was the beginning of the harvest and was a...
November 1Samhain is pronounced as 'sow-in' (in Ireland), or 'sow-een' (in Wales), or 'sav-en' (in...
Alban Arthuan
December 21("The Light of Arthur") The winter solstice was the shortest day of the year and...
Alban Eiler
Around March 21Ostara or Vernal (spring) Equinox is the point of equilibrium - the balance is...
Alban Elfed
September 21Autumn Equinox / Mabon / Alban Elfed. The autumnal equinox occurs when the sun crosses...